
with the risk management and review authority as the core

???? the Ministry of industry and information technology of Electronic Science and Technology Information Research Institute chief engineer Yin Libo pointed out recently in an interview, application and safety management USA the federal government to cloud computing service is very worthy of our learning and reference.

???? Yin Libo said, cloud computing because of its cost saving, convenient maintenance, flexible configuration has become a government priority to promote the development of a service. The United States, Britain, Australia and other countries have introduced policies, designed to promote the transfer of government information systems Xiang Yun computing platform. But also should see, brings security challenges government departments use cloud computing services to the sensitive data and important business security. Advocates USA as a cloud computing service application, hand launched the "cloud priority strategy", requires a lot of federal government information system migration into the "cloud", on the other hand, in order to ensure safety, requirements for the federal government's cloud computing services must go through security review.

???? Yin Libo said, application and safety management American the federal government to cloud computing service experienced four stage of the process and.

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???? in 2009, the Obama administration proposed "federal Cloud Computing Initiative", in the federal chief information officers Council under the Executive Council and cloud computing cloud computing Advisory Committee, set up project management office in the general affairs department, establish development goals and responsibilities of the federal government started the promotion of cloud computing, cloud computing applications. In 2010, the Federal Budget Management Bureau issued a "25 point of the reform of federal information technology management implementation plan", the implementation of the "cloud priority" strategy, the computing platform business system gradually migrated to the cloud, as of 2015 to reduce the 800 federal data center. In 2011, America released "federal cloud computing strategy", clear the federal government Xiang Yun calculation of the specific planning migration, creating a safe application of cloud computing environment. The same year, the Department of Homeland Security for cloud computing Cheap Eagles Jerseys "look from the security point of view: Federal Information Technology Management Introduction", points out 16 key security challenges facing the federal government. National Institute of standards and Technology issued "security and privacy guidelines" and "full virtualization Security Guide" two standards of public cloud computing, a policy to pave the way for the federal government establish a security review system for cloud computing services.

???? second, from "who review, who use" to "review, multi use", with the risk management and review authority as the core, a cloud computing service review system.

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