
the results generally reflect the purchase will of the citizens of Shanghai.

yesterday, the National Bureau of statistics Shanghai Survey Organization released the "report" willingness to purchase the Shanghai citizens in 2014 2014, shows the citizens of prices are expected to call first reduced, primarily to improve the existing living conditions for Shanghai residents purchase, but it is http://www.unitedstatesenglish.com/ difficult to afford Shoufu is the primary cause of no purchase intention, Shoufu increase and limit purchase of public housing policy will affect the maximum.

bullish prices people drop 10.2%

NBS Survey Office in Shanghai from March 15th to April 30th in the Shanghai public willingness to purchase online survey, 559 valid questionnaires were obtained.

, respondents under 40 years accounted for 74.2%, household registration in the city accounted for 75.8%; family income below 100000 yuan accounted for 27.9%, 100000 -20 yuan accounted for 39.4%, 200000 yuan http://www.goodnewsblog123.com of above 32.7%. The Respondents involved in multiple layers in Shanghai Cheap Johnny Manziel jerseys residents, the results generally reflect the purchase will of the citizens of Shanghai.

since the beginning of this year, Hangzhou as a city, even first-tier cities property prices, the real estate market in March sales and demand has been slowing down, over the years continued to bullish prices are expected to change.

Tracking survey

the public house will result in 2014, the prices are expected to rise first reduced surface.

investigation shows, that the commercial housing prices in the future 1-2 years will rise of respondents accounted for 68%, down 10.2 percentage points compared with the 2013 survey results. Among them, the "surge" of the respondents has fallen from 18.7% to 6.6%, 13.9% of the respondents believed that, in the future 1-2 years, the city commercial housing prices will decline, an increase of 6.3 percentage points more than in 2013.

1 years purchase intention to the valley

Shanghai residents purchase will fall sharply in 3 years, http://www.appleapphome.com/ 1 years, wishes to purchase a minimum previous survey.

According to the http://www.happyfiesta123.com/

survey, 27.6% of respondents plan to purchase nearly 3 years. Compared with the purchase intention in 2013 to carry out the investigation results, the proportion dropped 13.1 percentage points. The short term purchase will also decline, 9.7% of respondents plan to purchase within 1 years, down 9.2 percentage points more than in 2013. The price trend is not clear that the public short-term purchases will decline. 25.4% of the respondents had no plans to purchase, an increase of 14.4 percentage points more than in 2013.

statistical data shows, since June 2013, the city new commodity housing prices rose continued to narrow. The first quarter of this year, the city new commodity housing sales area of 4185000 square meters, an increase of 6.1%, an increase of 37.2 percentage points year-on-year decline; the stock of the housing sales area of 4283100 square meters, more than the same period last year decreased by 54.4%. Despite the expected call face narrow, but that will fluctuate greatly (or a sharp rise.

