
users have a large number of quotes or borrowing another message etc. phenomenon

according to Taiwan "Central News Agency reported on May 8th, surveys show, USA media towards the extremes, the same ideology who gathered in the same network community, and different ideologies almost little interaction, this has become a big problem of the White House to drive policy, America President Obama recently adopted a number of new practices, hoping to break into the dispersion and closed the minority groups.

American survey Pugh (Pew) research center in February for cheapjerseys.us Twitter users (Tweeter) survey found that political issues, push message on the same ideology were massed trend, users have a large number of quotes or borrowing another message etc. phenomenon, political dialogue tends to two polarization, but because the subject is different, and have different social development structure.


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represent only a small part of the twitter of giant network group, social media development trend of traditional media is more polarized, caused by the government and Party attaches great importance to American.


of Harvard University international spread of Boehm (Matthew Baum) in the "Washington Post" (Washington Post) analysis, in the president's message to supporters, is two cases are illustrated to change certain groups of opinion or the opinions of others, but the change will be more and more difficult to.

many studies show, the white house facing the media network community polarization, strengthening the ideology, order to go out of.

USA President Obama attaches great importance to the new media era policy communication, senior consultant Pfeiffer (Dan Pfeiffer) and deputy national security adviser Roz (Ben Rhodes) to deal with domestic and foreign policy communication affairs, two people take the initiative in the media that the policies, but also study the communication plan.

American government to promote health, foreign policy, climate change and trade negotiations and so on, are highly divisive issues, the traditional mode of communication to achieve the effect of publicity and. In order to promote young people to participate in health care, Obama accept all kinds of new generation network media interview, hope to further away from traditional media groups.

The success of the

network strategy is the key for the Obama White House, but the election and policies. Roz said, now Obama on late night and daytime talk show, sports channel ESPN and channel MTV, more important than the past. (Intern editor: He Jiaxing review: cheap nfl jerseys Tan Liya)

