
Yidu hero Hu Qinchun police story for the theme of modern time &quot

in new network Yichang on 17 June, (Liu Liangwei Dong Xiaobin Chen Yajun) in Hubei, Yidu hero Hu Qinchun police story for the theme of modern time "striking" June 16th night in Hu Qinchun's hometown of Yidu Cheap Texans Jerseys the first public performance. The evening of March 29th, Hu Qinchun and his colleagues in dealing with cases of public security, the pursuit of a criminal suspect alone he was violent arrest in 7 knives, unfortunately killed.

Chu "striking" in the heroic deeds of Cheap Chiefs Jerseys Hu Qinchun adaptation, divided into thousands of miles of marriage, thousand moon, wandandiantou, small talk, the alarm sound, Qingming Elegy of 6 parts. The story of the Cheap Steelers Jerseys grass-roots police Hu Qinchun care of small home care everyone, to social security responsibility, disregard one's own safety working achievement, a true reflection of "public private unease, Gu 大舍 small, filial piety and two side arm, shoulder to a" people's police image.

after the end of the show, as Hu Qinchun Zhang Fuming and Wang Ying Yang Lin played his wife, holding flowers walked off the stage, to send flowers are under the stage show of Hu Qinchun's wife and parents, both embraced and wept, and this touching scene, but the entire show to a climax.

41 year old Zhang Fuming is the Wuhan Chu opera theater actor, he told reporters, when he saw the heroic deeds of Hu Qinchun from the newspaper moved, the germination of the idea of stories onto the stage. "I took about Hu Qinchun reports found company leaders, writers, made all aspects of support." Zhang Fuming said, after more than a month of rehearsal, screenwriter, grinding, Chu opera "striking" successfully Cheap Bears Jerseys completed.

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